athleen and Jim create original artwork for sale and offer reproductions of their art on various mediums that include apparel, clocks, framed art, signage and more. Here you can tour just some of their collections for your home or office.

Click on our CONTACT link above for questions and availability on artwork shown here. Many pieces are one of a kind and don't always make it on to our site but we can email the latest images upon request. Commissions are also accepted depending on the scope of the project.



Kathleen Mazzotta at work in the gallery
Jim Mazzotta painting in the gallery

CHRISTMAS CARDSHand glittered tropically themed cards

CRITTER CHAIRSA unique assortment of chair photo frames with 3D sculptures of island wildlife chilling out!


A collection of original coastal images printed on rustic wood with your location.

COASTAL TABLESHand painted tables that will be a focal point of any home looking for a taste of our island lifestyle.

Driftin' the Night Away Mermaid airbrushed Clock

ISLAND CLOCKSAirbrushed timepieces that capture the essence of the Captiva Island lifestyle.


Other cool items that we just felt like making!

LOWER LATITUDESTEE SHIRTSBoldly Relax where no one has gone before on an itinerary of colorfully illustrated escapes!

ISLAND SIGNS3D sculpted clay characters on wood with timely and whimsical messages.

11532 Andy Rosse Lane, Captiva, Florida 33924


11:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. TUESDAY - FRIDAY CLOSED WEEKENDS